Sunday, October 7, 2012


Here is my lovely neighbor who agreed very last minute to let me interview her, then when I had technical problems, ie I accidentally deleted the entire audio, she did it again! She was not comfortable with an on camera interview and she did not want to state where she worked. I hope you enjoy!

I think the chat feature sounds awesome. I also thought it was interesting of her to point out the dean concerned about the freshman and independent learning. I never considered age a factor.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Audio/Video / Podcast: Pros and Cons for Adult Learners

I remember when I first heard about Podcasts. I was working as a student worker in the admissions college of my undergrad and the assistant director was trying to explain podcasts and how they would be such a cool addition to the website. Me and two of the other student workers were not getting it. I specifically remember thinking no one is going to listen to a podcast or watch short videos on the internet! I clearly was wrong on both accounts.

Using podcasts, videos, and other similar technologies can be useful when used sparingly and when it makes the most sense. I think videos and podcasts are the set of technologies are the highest risk for instructors using technologies just for the sake of using technoligy and not adding to instruction  in anyway. Video and Audio is becoming easier to use and I think some instructors can be get excited to use it but if the assignment is ill fit with the subject it can just become cumbersome to the students.

There is also the problem of unless the student is very meticulous about taking it down then those videos and podcasts are out there on the internet for anyone to find. This causes some privacy issues for many. When I was looking for instructor to interview I had the first person back out because they were not willing to have the information they shared be so public. I could also not find one that would be willing to be video taped because of it was on the blog.  

One great thing about blogs and podcasts are there is some great information and it is a nice change up from reading if the instructor uses what is available on the internet. It also makes is more portable and easier to get the infomation done. For example, while filing at work, I was able to listen to most of the podcasts. I do this a lot and have often wished that I would be able to get an audio version of assigned readings for while I am in the car, filing, or exercising. It certainly would ease up the amount of time I spend reading! Especially since I already listen to podcasts from NPR and This American Life while I am doing those things.

I hope your interviews projects are all going well!

PS Here is a link to my favorite This American Life. If you like short stories these are very entertaining and will make any hour go faster.